Jul 27, 2012

What is it about with the New Section 114A in Malaysia Evidence Act 1950 ?

The new amendments section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950 are shown below: 
New Section 114A
3. The principal Act is amended by inserting after section 114 the following section:
“Presumption of fact in publication 114A.

 (1) A person whose name, photograph or pseudonym appears on any publication depicting himself as the owner, host, administrator, editor or sub-editor, or who in any manner facilitates to publish or re-publish the publication is presumed to have published or re-published the contents of the publication unless the contrary is proved. 
 (2) A person who is registered with a network service provider as a subscriber of a network service on which any publication originates from is presumed to be the person who published or re-published the publication unless the contrary is proved. 
 (3) Any person who has in his custody or control any computer on which any publication originates from is presumed to have published or re-published the content of the publication unless the contrary is proved. 
 (4) For the purpose of this section—
 (a) “network service” and “network service provider” have the meaning assigned to them in section 6   of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 [Act 588]; and
 (b) “publication” means a statement or a representation, whether in written, printed, pictorial, film, graphical, acoustic or other form displayed on the screen of a computer.”.
Source: http://www.parlimen.gov.my/files/billindex/pdf/2012/DR162012E.pdf 
