Who say as long as not direct relative relations then can marriage?
Please look the RED colour highlighted relations !
Who you CAN NOT marriage with in Singapore ?
A Male in Singapore CAN NOT Marriage with his
- mother
- father’s mother
- son’s daughter
- sister
- wife’s daughter
- grandfather’s wife
- father’s father’s wife
- wife’s mother’s mother
- wife’s daughter’s daughter
- daughter’s son’s wife
- mother’s sister
- sister’s daughter
- daughter
- mother’s mother
- daughter’s daughter
- wife’s mother
- father’s wife
- mother’s father’s wife
- wife’s father’s wife
- wife’s son’s daughter
- son’s wife
- son’s son’s wife
- father’s sister
- brother’s daughter
A Female in Singapore CAN NOT Marriage with her
- father
- father’s father
- son’s son
- brother
- husband’s son
- daughter’s husband
- mother’s mother’s husband
- husband’s mother’s husband
- husband’s daughter’s son
- daughter’s daughter’s husband
- mother’s brother
- sister’s son
- son
- mother’s father
- daughter’s son
- husband’s father
- mother’s husband
- father’s mother’s husband
- husband’s father’s father
- husband’s son’s son
- son’s daughter’s husband
- father’s brother
- brother’s son