Mar 9, 2009

Pizza Hut Take- Away Coupon 必勝客外賣優惠券

This RM5 coupon is for any A'la Carte Variety Box Take Away only.
The normal price is RM 29.90 and the RM5 coupon is equivalent to about 17% discount. 
The coupon is only valid for 1 week from the date of issue. Forcing you to eat Pizza Hut more than once time per week lol...
Anyway, it is not valid at Genting and KLCC.

正常價格是29.90令吉。而RM5優惠券,就等於將約17 %的折扣。
優惠券的有效期為1週 迫使你必須在同一周內吃必勝客...
無論如何,雲頂和吉隆坡城中城 無法使用這優惠券。
