Nevertheless, keep to your own fences and all will be well. Those born in 1963 and 1975 will have lots of fresh opportunities to begin with. Love Mood and emotional discharges are very unstable. You feel left out, and lonely. Do attempt to correct your twisted perception of your partner and others around you. They do show care for you just that your temperamental behaviour causes them confusion and misinterpretation of your intentions. Trust, care and communication are keys to a fruitful relationship. Wealth Proper income is stable. Control your spending and crisis will not occur. Do not greed of ill-gotten wealth as you will face lawsuits and inevitably, causes you great pain and suffering. In addition, you will do yourself a favour by not borrowing or acting as guarantor. Leave lottery luck to affinity. Reduce amount of unnecessary investments especially risky ones.Caution of health and accidents. Fatigue and overdrive cause you to have unstable emotions and mental states. Be careful when you are driving or on a boat trip, especially water danger. Chronic ailments of the elderly may surface again. Partake healthier food.
Source : Geomancy Hut