nanowhite™ hydrating whitening mask now come with a free of 50g naowhite™ awakening snow wash promotion.
Nanowhite™ 保濕超白面膜現在贈送50G 重的NANOWHITE™ 提神雪白泡潔面乳。
Nanowhite™ hydrating whitening mask can draw out impurities before they breed blemishes. The gentle self-renewing formula restores skin’s optimum moisture balance& reduces minor marks, revealing a fair, translucent texture & renewed vibrancy.
Nanowhite™ awakening snow wash effectively moisturizes as it cleanses without stripping its natural protective film. It contains Omega White-C & Nano Peptide, to whiten skin and help reduce lines. Happy aroma Endorphne carries the important responsibility to give skin an instant happy glow leaving skin feeling fairer, refreshed & renewed. All skin type.
Nanowhite™ 提神雪泡面乳潔淨及潤膚﹐不會影響肌膚天然保護層。美白肌膚﹐減少細紋。協助肌膚歡喜成長﹐更顯美白。適合各種肌膚。