Wow! It’s my Kick-Start Rewards pack. Thanks to Nescafe Kick-Start and MediaCLIQ Sdn Bhd again for the reward pack, as well as delivered it to my door step. I wasn’t know what was the ‘rewards’, until I had it opened.
真是超屌的﹗又再一回得到KICK-START獎勵包。感謝Nescafe Kick-Start 和 MediaCLIQ Sdn Bhd﹐將獎勵包快遞到我府上。老實說﹐在還沒打開郵包前還真不曉得裡頭的獎勵長什麼樣。
打開後發現了2本Nescafe Kick-Start 口袋筆記本﹐及20小袋裝的Nescafe 黃金 3 合 1 香濃咖啡。
Nescafe GOLD 3 in 1 Rich Aroma really special to me. Unlike other 3 in 1 coffee, Nescafe GOLD 3 in 1 Rich Aroma enables you to view the real tiny coffee bean. Although the smell is a bit bitter, but in fact it is completely lacked in bitterness when you are drinking it. Also, you need no to worry about your throat might turns discomfort, no matter how much you are going to drink.
Other than the packaging design, I really like it totally.
Nescafe 黃金 3 合 1 香濃咖啡還瞞特別的。它一改長久來的3合1純粉狀模式﹐讓你能清楚看到咖啡小豆粒。沖泡後﹐聞起來感覺是有點苦﹐但實際上喝的時候卻完全無苦味。而且﹐即使大量的喝了後也不會讓你喉嚨有不適的感覺。
老實說﹐除了對包裝設計上有點意見外﹐我還真喜歡這Nescafe 黃金 3 合 1 香濃咖啡。