I discovered that currently there is with 2 different designs of packaging available in the market for MAGGI instant noodles. One is the old design, which comes with a better outer packet. Another one is as shown in the photos above, which I really feel that the design of the packaging like a bit lower class than the older design.
Anyway, I still decided to buy this newer design due to the price is far cheaper than the older design pack.
1 big pack, which consists of 5 packs of MAGGI saiz MIDI 2 minute noodles only cost about RM 3.20 ( = S$ 1.32 +- ). Lol.
我發現市面上如今出現了2种不同MAGGI快熟面的包裝。 除了一項來較有設計的包裝﹐同時也出現了像上面照片斑的包裝設計。對於這新設計﹐我到是覺得好像有點奇怪。同以往的舊包裝相比﹐新包裝好像給人一種較劣等的感覺。
不過我還是決定買這新設計的包裝﹐因為它比舊包裝便宜多了。5包袋裝的MAGGI saiz MIDI才 賣 3 令吉 20 仙 ( 大約 新幣 1 元 32 分 )。 便宜叻﹗呵呵﹗